Skills offered


Sewing & Needlework project which includes needle embroidery – was active since March 2017 Requires funds for Equipment to expand digital embroidery and extent the scope of such skills. The embroidery with automation is also being foreseen as the future to build with the practical part of skills development at the lowest cost and even using this one in fundraising for the continuous financial upkeep.


After skills study and tutorial for children and teenagers which is a financial supporting project to this program that EASDSA use to fundraise for the above main projects so as generate more funds in solving the financial requirements of the above-mentioned projects. While this After care services being focused on children and teenagers affected by substance abuse.


Design Project – which include more computers, software and other hand tools to work in complement with technology and to cover increased numbers Even more is required especially in this modern world of digital age where EASDSA foresees, future implementation of cording, system design and other rated modern elements..

Craft work skills and pottery skills

Active from beginning of this year with half of the required equipment is available but additional ones are required to carter for the increased number of enrollments to be run on outdoor space in the future.

Cookery skills & Housekeeping skills

Will be coming soon where we develop that art of cookery within the children, teenagers and the youth practically with an aided skill development in professional housekeeping skill for enhancing a total man that none of our trainee may lack these skills be it boys, girls and disabled.

Agriculture and entrepreneurship skills

Will be initiated soon. This will be running where by children and teenagers are exploring better opportunities and doing a bit of research opportunities within that sector to provide employment for themselves and generation to come. With entrepreneurial skill being built to explore the best from the land.